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Recent Party Politics in 2022 exemplified the tribal mentalities of BOTH parties.  The Republicans turned on their own when independent thought was displayed and the wayward members were forced back into their “groupthink” and block voting.  The Democrats also display some tribalism but seem more accepting of differing opinions and critical thought to reach compromise positions.  The Democratic Party needs qualified Candidates for North Carolina. 


Support the 2024 Candidates to keep Democracy safe and help overcome the stalemate in Federal and State Congress, and local governance. â€‹We are less than three months away and must make sure we elect:


  • Kamala Harris

  • Josh Stein as our next Governor 

  • Rachel Hunt as our next Lt. Governor

  • Jeff Jackson as our next Attorney General

  • Elaine Marshall for Secretary of State

  • Braxton Winston for Commissioner of Labor

  • Mo Green for Superintendent of Public Instruction

  • Natasha Marcus for Commissioner of Insurance

  • Jessica Holmes for State Auditor

  • Sarah Taber for Agriculture Commissioner

  • Wesley Harris for State Treasurer

  • Allison Riggs for Supreme Court

  • Carolyn Thompson for Court of Appeals

  • Ed Eldred for Court of Appeals

  • Martin Moore for Court of Appeals


And that’s just the statewide elections!


Democratic Accomplishments


Sample Ballot Lookup





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